Peer Reviewed Feature Articles

The GINA 2023 report. What’s new in asthma management?

Helen K. Reddel

The Global Initiative for Asthma released its updated global strategy for asthma prevention and management earlier this year. As-needed combination low-dose ICS-formoterol is recommended as first-line treatment over short-acting beta2-agonists alone for adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older.


Preterm lung disease: not just for neonatologists

Denby J. Evans, James T.D. Gibbons , Shannon J. Simpson, John Blakey

Preterm birth can increase the risk of respiratory disease from infancy through to adulthood. When was the last time you asked if your patient was born prematurely?

Peer Reviewed Regular Series

Frailty and chronic lung disease: a silent overlap in need of attention

Christian Osadnik

Frailty often occurs concurrently with chronic lung disease. However, due to overlapping risk factors, the impact of frailty is overlooked, particularly in younger patients with chronic lung disease. Maintaining vigilance for frailty indicators and co-ordinated multidisciplinary input can enhance early detection and management.


Vaping and the government’s new approach: what GPs need to know

Matthew J. Peters

In May 2023, policy changes were introduced to tackle the growing use of electronic cigarettes and their associated harms. These changes pose some novel challenges for GPs, as they play a pivotal role in addressing this public health issue.

Physician-authored summaries and commentary on the most important medical research, provided by the NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.

© Massachusetts Medical Society